5 Ways To Use Conversational Marketing Right Now

LimeCall Team

August 14, 2020
minutes to read

Conversational marketing can push your brand to go from good to best in a shorter time.

Did you know that by just placing a form or live chat option on your website bottom isn’t the end of your lead generation activities?

In 2020, to succeed better with lead generation activities you need such a solution that can cater to your prospects at the right time, and what we mean by the right time is when they are exploring your website.

Unfortunately, multiple brands let their prospects explore their website and expect them to come back to them with queries, but did you know that when you engage with prospects at such times, there are more chances of you converting them into a sales lead?

This is what conversational marketing is all about.

You need to know about this because it can make a huge impact on your lead generation activities. For instance, say if you are able to capture 10 leads from your website, with this method, you have the possibility to capture 10 more easily.

It’s easy to get started with conversational marketing, we have you covered:

You won’t be disappointed, this solution can make a difference in your business.

Let’s get started.

What do you mean by conversational marketing?

Conversational marketing is a refined way of communicating with your prospects online. It uses the medium of live chats especially chatbots to engage with your prospects. 

The process works as an automated one where when a prospect starts to engage with the communication will take place according to the prospect’s answers. 

Let’s understand this better with an example:

Conversational Marketing

Has it struck your memory?

This is a process that you would have encountered either on Facebook messenger or even on Instagram. 

Isn’t this easy?

Just look at the image, the message isn’t selling anything, all it showcases is that it wants to help the prospects and this is the key reason why your business will grow better. 

Let’s understand this with another example:

So say you are right now on Facebook and you see an ad of a brand selling great clothes and jewellery. What you do is you get in touch with that brand with the communication medium listed which is mostly messaging. 

When you start to chat, you have the options listed above such as:

  • What are you looking for?
  • If you have chosen the option of finding a dress, then the choices would be ‘Are you looking for a party dress or casual wear?’

This communication will continue to go further depending on your actions. So basically if you have requested to see a dress you will find questions related to it.

How easy is this? 

Imagine the advantages you are receiving:

  • No waiting time for responses
  • No need to hear extra information which isn’t relevant to what your prospects are looking for
  • An instant way to answer and guide your prospects to their needs
  • Prospect attention is retained for longer
  • Higher chances of purchases being made

This process is important and why it should matter to you is what you will learn in our next category.

How can conversational marketing impact your brand?

1. More humane experience when selling

The business world has grown to become more digitized in its engagement with its prospects but there is one thing that multiple of your prospects expects from you, human communication. Human communication has gone lost in the crowd which is why via the method of conversational marketing this communication channel needs to be brought back.\

With every automated process of communication, you can engage with your prospect just like how you would if you were to speak to them face to face which adds a bonus of success in your business growth. 

2. Grasp more information about your buyers

When you know what your prospects are looking for and what they do when they engage with a chatbot, you tend to grasp a lot of information such as their behaviour patterns, what are they looking for, what are they expecting, and much more. This can help you capture such vital information and align your selling strategies accordingly.

For instance, when you realize that your prospects first would like immediate assistance to view your brand, you would walk in that direction. 

3. Convert quality leads

Conversational marketing is a great process because it lets you capture the right leads always. For instance, say if your leads are hot leads, your immediate assistance at that moment can convert their decisions into a confirmed purchase hence improving your lead count and conversion rates. 

Interesting Read : How to Incorporate Conversational Marketing into Your Content & SEO Efforts?

4. Shorter sales process

Instead of you having to conduct the longer sales process which is capturing leads and then contacting them and then nurturing them, the conversational marketing process cuts short this process for you. With the help of communication, the process can help convert your potential prospects into sales leads. 

You are aware that if you want to excel better than your competitors, you need to sell smarter and faster, and conversational marketing gives you just that. Imagine, when your prospects are looking at your website, and suddenly you start to cater to them, when your prospects find what they are looking for with your help, they would obviously want to continue investing in what you have to offer them, wouldn’t they?

5. Sales pipeline grows better

Your sales pipeline helps you determine exactly where your prospects are in the sales funnel. This is important because it helps you to take the necessary actions. Now when you practice the same process with conversational marketing, the chances of your sales pipeline tend to grow.

For instance, say you have a warm lead that still requires nurturing and when you cater to them at the right time, you are opening the opportunity for them to move from a prospect to a lead quicker. 

Now that we have cleared the basics of the topic, let’s get you to action by helping you get started with it.

What are the ways you can make use of conversational marketing in your business right now?

1. Push prospects for more meetings

You are now aware that when you can help your prospects no matter where they are surfing your website, you need to take this as a golden opportunity. An opportunity to convert this help or rather assistance into a meeting. When you do this you are able to communicate better with your leads and continue to solve their issues with the product you’re exhibiting them to purchase. 

The more meetings you schedule the better are the chances of your sales reps cracking a deal. 

2. Indulge in more human interactions

Yes, the world has gone digital but the one thing that prospects of today still want to remain constant about is the touch of human conversations which you need to do as well. See your prospects as a medium to cater to their needs instead of just looking at them as a sale. When you have more human interactions it becomes easy to win over your prospects and convert them into sales leads.

It’s not difficult to retain the human touch, speak like your prospects, understand the tone, show them the value and benefits of your products, help them understand how you want to help them, listen to them, and then frame the product you’re selling accordingly. 

3. Engage with more and more website visitors

It is a truth that not all your prospects are going to be your ideal audience but that shouldn’t leave you guessing right when you see your prospects? Engage with all your website visitors, that way you can identify and cater to your ideal audience better and no efforts are being wasted on engaging with the wrong lead. 

Interesting Read : Conversational Marketing Dictionary: The Terms You Need to Know

4. Nurture your capture prospects

When your prospects say for instance they are learning about your brand, engage with them to help them understand how each feature works and why it is present. The more you nurture your leads which means help them understand your product better, solve their queries, and more, the better are your chances of winning them over. 

5. Keep your prospects happy always

Your prospects are on your website because something pushed them to retain their attention, don’t disappoint them by leaving them alone to explore your brand, help them in everywhere you can, engage with them, make them feel content that you want to help them genuinely and continue doing that even when they become your leads. 

The Bottom Line…

See we told you conversational marketing has such an effect when you start to implement it in your lead generation activities. 

Before you get started with the tricks we shared you, let’s quickly summarize what’ve covered:

Key Takeaways:
  • Conversational marketing is a refined way of communicating with your prospects online. It uses the medium of live chats especially chatbots to engage with your prospects.
  • Benefits of conversational marketing is more humane experience showcased and more
  • 5 ways you can use conversational marketing is retaining the human touch, nurturing prospects and more

So what did you think of this article? Did you understand the impact it can hold for your business? Do let us know what you think by tweeting us.

Also for more such related content, do watch out for Limecall often. 

Conversational marketing_Limecall

, August 14, 2020, LimeCall Team

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