Google Voice For Business: Pros, Cons & Pricing

Vincent Hawley

June 13, 2024
20 minutes to read

Many small business owners leverage free tools like Google Voice in their initial stages. But as your venture flourishes, a strategic upgrade to Google Voice for Business becomes a necessity.

This guide delves into the world of Google Voice for Business, acting as your roadmap to a more professional and streamlined communication system. We’ll explore:

  • What is Google Voice for Business? – In this section, we’ll provide a clear definition of Google Voice for Business, highlighting its key features and functionalities that cater specifically to the needs of growing businesses.
  • The Advantages of Going Pro: – Dive deep into the benefits of using Google Voice for Business. We’ll break down how it empowers you to project a more professional image, streamline communication workflows, and enhance customer experience.
  • Business vs. Personal: Understanding the Key Differences: – Don’t be fooled by the similarities in name! This section will shed light on the crucial distinctions between the free consumer plan and the business-oriented version. We’ll clarify what features are missing from the free plan and how they can hinder your business operations.
  • A Side-by-Side Comparison: – To solidify your understanding, we’ll present a comprehensive comparison chart that visually lays out the features and limitations of both Google Voice plans.
  • Considering Alternatives? We’ve Got You Covered! – While Google Voice for Business offers a compelling solution, it might not be the perfect fit for every business. Here, we’ll explore some well-regarded alternatives, ensuring you have all the information to make an informed decision for your communication needs.

By the end of this guide, you’ll be equipped to confidently decide whether Google Voice for Business is the key to unlocking smoother operations and a more professional presence for your growing company. If not, you’ll have a clear understanding of alternative solutions to explore!

Google Voice Vs Google Voice for business

As your small business takes flight, establishing a professional and efficient communication system becomes paramount. While the free Google Voice plan might have served you well in the initial stages, it’s time to explore the robust features offered by Google Voice for Business. Let’s delve deeper into the key differences between these two options.

Unveiling the Limitations of the Free Plan

While the free Google Voice plan offers a secondary phone number for calls, texts, and voicemail, it falls short when it comes to catering to the needs of a growing business. Here’s a breakdown of its limitations:

  • Geographic Restriction: This plan is currently limited to users in the US, hindering your ability to connect with clients internationally.
  • Single User, Single Number: The free plan restricts you to just one Google number and doesn’t support adding additional lines for your team members.
  • Limited Functionality: Focus purely on basic calling, texting, and voicemail functionalities. The free plan lacks features like call forwarding, voicemail transcriptions, and integrations with productivity tools.

These limitations can quickly become hurdles as your business scales. Fortunately, Google Voice for Business offers a feature-rich solution to bridge those gaps.

Google Voice for Business: Empowering Your Communication Strategy

Google Voice for Business, seamlessly integrated with Google Workspace, unlocks a suite of powerful features designed to streamline communication and enhance your professional image.

Here’s how Google Voice for Business elevates your communication game:

  • Global Reach: Break geographical barriers and connect with clients worldwide. Google Voice for Business offers phone numbers in multiple countries, allowing you to establish a local presence in key markets.
  • Team Collaboration: Empower your team with the ability to manage multiple phone lines. Assign dedicated numbers to departments or individual team members, fostering a more professional and organized approach.
  • Enhanced Features: Leverage advanced features like call forwarding, voicemail transcriptions, and automated attendants to ensure you never miss a beat. Integrate seamlessly with Google Calendar and Google Meet to schedule calls and host video conferences with ease.
  • Professional Separation: Maintain a clear distinction between your business and personal communication. Google Voice for Business allows you to manage separate contact lists for business and personal use, ensuring a clean and professional experience for your clients.

By leveraging these advanced capabilities, Google Voice for Business empowers you to:

  • Project a Professional Image: Establish a dedicated business phone number that fosters trust and credibility with your clients.
  • Streamline Communication Flows: Enhance team collaboration and ensure all calls are directed to the appropriate personnel.
  • Deliver Exceptional Customer Service: Never miss a call or inquiry with features like voicemail transcriptions and call forwarding.
  • Boost Productivity: Integrate seamlessly with Google Workspace, centralizing your communication and productivity tools for a smooth workflow.

The Verdict: A Clear Winner for Business Growth

While the free Google Voice plan offers basic functionality, it’s simply not equipped to handle the demands of a growing business. Google Voice for Business, with its robust feature set and scalable options, emerges as the clear winner for businesses seeking to establish a professional and efficient communication infrastructure.

Ready to Make the Switch? We’ve Got You Covered!

The decision to upgrade is a strategic one. If you’re unsure whether Google Voice for Business is the perfect fit for your company, don’t worry! We’ll explore some well-regarded alternatives in the next section, ensuring you have all the information to make an informed decision.

Google Voice For Business: Features, Plans, & Pricing

As your business scales, establishing a professional and streamlined communication system becomes a top priority. Google Voice for Business, seamlessly integrated with Google Workspace, offers a compelling solution tailored for growing companies. Let’s delve into the key features, plan options, and pricing structure to help you decide if it’s the right fit for your needs.

Harnessing the Power of VoIP Technology

At its core, Google Voice for Business leverages VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology. This means it utilizes your existing internet connection to transmit calls and messages, offering a cost-effective alternative to traditional phone lines.

Here’s how it works:

  • Device Flexibility: You can access Google Voice using a smartphone, tablet, or computer with internet access. This allows you and your team to stay connected on the go, regardless of location.
  • Number Options: Choose between obtaining a new Google phone number or porting your existing business number. This flexibility ensures a smooth transition and maintains brand recognition for existing customers.
  • Seamless Call Forwarding: Maintain a clear separation between your personal and professional life. Google Voice allows you to seamlessly forward business calls to your preferred phone number, ensuring you never miss an important client inquiry.

Important Note: Since Google Voice relies on internet connectivity, a reliable Wi-Fi connection or data plan is crucial for optimal performance.

Feature Breakdown: Unlocking Business Communication Efficiency

Google Voice for Business offers a range of features designed to enhance your communication experience, starting with the Starter plan at $10 per user per month. Here’s a closer look:

  • US Calling & Texting: Enjoy unlimited calls and texts within the US, fostering unrestricted communication with your domestic clientele. However, international texting capabilities are limited, and sending a high volume of texts within a short timeframe might trigger temporary restrictions.

Pro Tip: Explore alternative communication channels like Google Chat for international team collaboration and client communication.

  • Privacy-Focused Business Identity: Project a professional image and safeguard your personal privacy by utilizing a dedicated business phone number. This eliminates the need to share your personal cell phone number with clients.
  • Customizable Business Hours: Maintain a healthy work-life balance by setting specific business hours. During non-business hours, calls can be directed to voicemail, ensuring uninterrupted personal time.

Advanced Functionality for Enhanced Communication (Standard Plan: $20 per user per month):

For businesses seeking more advanced features, the Standard plan unlocks additional functionalities:

  • Automated Call Management: Streamline your workflow by utilizing auto-attendants to answer and route calls efficiently to the appropriate team member or department. This eliminates the need for manual call routing, saving valuable time.
  • Enhanced Call Recording: Capture crucial call details for future reference with on-demand and automatic call recording capabilities. This can be particularly valuable for training purposes or revisiting important client conversations.
  • Collaborative Call Management (Ring Groups): Distribute incoming calls amongst your team with ring groups. This ensures calls are answered promptly and efficiently, even during peak times.
  • Advanced Data Management (eDiscovery): Gain granular control over your communication data with eDiscovery. This feature allows you to search and export call logs and voicemail messages, facilitating data retrieval for legal or compliance purposes.

Premier Plan ($30 per user per month):

The Premier plan offers the same functionalities as the Standard plan, with the additional benefit of exporting your call data directly to BigQuery, Google’s cloud data warehousing service. This is ideal for businesses with advanced data analytics needs.

Understanding Google Workspace Integration:

It’s important to note that Google Voice for Business requires an active Google Workspace subscription, which starts at $6 per user per month. This integration offers seamless collaboration with other Google Workspace tools like Calendar and Meet, further streamlining your communication workflows.

Pricing Transparency: Choosing the Right Plan

Google Voice for Business offers three tiered plans, catering to different business needs:

  • Starter ($10 per user per month): Ideal for startups or small teams requiring basic US calling, texting, call forwarding, and voicemail transcription.
  • Standard ($20 per user per month): A well-rounded option for growing businesses seeking advanced features like auto-attendants, call recording, and ring groups.
  • Premier ($30 per user per month): Best suited for enterprises with complex data management needs and a desire to leverage BigQuery for advanced analytics.

Remember: The maximum number of users on the Starter and Standard plans is 10 and 50, respectively, before incurring additional user fees.

The Takeaway:

By offering a robust suite of features at competitive prices, Google Voice for Business empowers companies of all sizes to establish a professional and efficient communication infrastructure.

And here’s a side-by-side comparison:

Pricing$10 per user per month$20 per user per month$30 per user per month
Number of usersUp to 10Unlimited (but extra for more than 50)Unlimited (but extra for more than 50)
Domestic locationsUp to 10UnlimitedUnlimited
International locationsXXUnlimited
Auto attendantsX
Call recordingsXOn-demandAutomatic
Desk-phone compatibilityX
Ring groupsX
BigQuery exportsXX

Setting Up Google Voice For Business

Unveiling the potential of Google Voice for Business is just the first step. To unlock its communication magic, a smooth setup process is essential. Here’s a detailed guide, navigating you through each stage of activating Google Voice for Business within your organization:

1. Ensuring a Google Workspace Foundation:

Before diving into Google Voice for Business, it’s crucial to have a Google Workspace account in place. This serves as the central hub for integrating various Google productivity tools, including Google Voice. If you haven’t already, head over to the Google Workspace website and sign up for an account.

2. Activating Google Voice for Your Team:

Now that you have a Google Workspace account, it’s time to enable Google Voice specifically for your organization. Here’s how to achieve this:

  • Navigate to the Admin Console: Within your Google Workspace account, locate the admin console. This is your central command center for managing user accounts, subscriptions, and various Google Workspace applications.
  • Locate and Activate Google Voice: Within the admin console, navigate to the “Apps” section. Look for “Google Workspace” and then “Google Voice.” Click the option to enable Google Voice for your organization.

Pro Tip: Assign Google Voice licenses strategically. Under the “Billing” section, locate “Subscriptions” and then “Google Voice.” Here, you can assign Google Voice licenses only to the users who require access within your team. This ensures optimal resource allocation and cost-effectiveness.

3. Selecting the Perfect Plan:

Google Voice for Business offers tiered subscription plans to cater to different team sizes and feature needs. Here’s a quick breakdown of the available options:

  • Starter Plan ($10 per user per month): Ideal for startups or small teams requiring basic functionalities like US calling, texting, call forwarding, and voicemail transcription.
  • Standard Plan ($20 per user per month): A well-rounded choice for growing businesses seeking advanced features like auto-attendants, call recording, and ring groups.
  • Premier Plan ($30 per user per month): The perfect fit for enterprises with complex data management needs and a desire to leverage BigQuery for advanced analytics.

Once you’ve assessed your team’s communication requirements, choose the plan that best aligns with your needs. Remember, you’ll be charged per user per month, so factor in your team size when making your selection.

4. Configuring Phone Numbers for Seamless Communication:

Now that you’ve activated Google Voice and chosen your plan, it’s time to configure phone numbers for your team. Here’s what to do:

  • Initiate the Setup: Within the admin console, locate the “Get Started” option for Google Voice. Clicking on this will initiate the phone number configuration process.
  • Set User Locations: Assigning local phone numbers ensures compliance with regulations and fosters a sense of local presence for your clientele. Utilize the setup process to define user locations strategically.
  • Number Assigning and Porting: This step allows you to assign Google phone numbers to your team members. Additionally, if you have existing business phone numbers you’d like to retain, this is where you can initiate the porting process.

5. Optimizing Call Routing for Efficiency:

Google Voice for Business empowers you to streamline call routing within your organization. Here’s how to leverage this functionality:

  • Craft Ring Groups: Establish ring groups to distribute incoming calls efficiently amongst your team members. This ensures calls are answered promptly and efficiently, even during peak business hours.
  • Automate Greetings and Call Routing: Utilize the auto-attendant feature to create automated greetings and route calls to the appropriate team member or department based on pre-defined criteria. This not only saves time but also provides a professional first impression to your callers.

By following these steps, you’ll have Google Voice for Business up and running within your organization, laying the foundation for a more streamlined and professional communication experience.

Pros & Cons: Google Voice for Business

As you navigate the world of virtual phone service providers for your business, Google Voice for Business might have emerged as a contender. But before you jump in, it’s crucial to understand its strengths and limitations. 

Here’s a comprehensive analysis of the key pros and cons to help you make an informed decision:

Unveiling the Advantages of Google Voice for Business:

  • Cost-Effective Communication: Google Voice for Business boasts an affordable pricing model, making it an attractive option for startups and budget-conscious businesses. It’s heavily advertised online, so you’ve likely encountered it in your research.
  • Unlimited US Calling: Enjoy the benefit of making unlimited calls to contacts within the US, fostering seamless communication with your domestic clientele. However, keep in mind that international calling and toll-free numbers aren’t supported.
  • Streamlined Team Collaboration (with limitations): Google Voice for Business allows you to leverage call forwarding to distribute incoming calls amongst your team, ensuring they’re directed to the most appropriate person for the inquiry. However, this feature is only available on the higher-tier Standard plan ($20 per user per month). Additionally, true team collaboration features like internal messaging and task delegation within Google Voice are limited.
  • Free Number Porting: Effortlessly transition your existing local business phone numbers to Google Voice for Business, free of charge. This ensures minimal disruption for existing clients familiar with your current number. However, it’s important to note that toll-free numbers aren’t supported and cannot be ported.
  • Integration with Google Workspace: If your team already utilizes Google Workspace, Google Voice for Business integrates seamlessly with other Google apps like Calendar, Meet, Drive, and Gmail. This fosters a centralized hub for communication and productivity management.

Considering the Potential Drawbacks:

  • Limited Phone Numbers per User: Each Google Voice account can only accommodate one phone number. This might not be ideal for businesses serving multiple locations or requiring separate numbers for distinct departments. Additionally, Google Voice for Business has limited geographic availability.
  • Google Workspace Dependency: To utilize Google Voice for Business, a Google Workspace subscription is mandatory. This adds an additional cost of at least $6 per user per month. Be sure to evaluate if your business truly requires all the features offered by Google Workspace before committing.
  • Lack of Desktop App: While Google Voice provides mobile and web-based apps, a dedicated desktop application is missing. This might be inconvenient for team members accustomed to receiving calls on their computers.
  • Restricted Third-Party Integrations: Google Voice primarily integrates with other Google Workspace apps. If your business relies on external tools like CRM systems (e.g., HubSpot), Zapier, or Slack, Google Voice won’t seamlessly integrate with them.

Other Potential Drawbacks

  • Limited Team Collaboration Features: Internal team communication within Google Voice itself is restricted. You’ll need to switch to Google Chat for team messaging and collaboration features like internal threads and mentions. This might disrupt workflow and hinder smooth communication between team members.
  • Absence of Automation Tools: Google Voice for Business lacks features like message templates and auto-replies, hindering efficiency in responding to common customer inquiries or setting expectations during off-hours.
  • Scalability Limitations: The Starter plan for Google Voice for Business limits you to a maximum of 10 users. While the Standard plan offers more flexibility, there’s no truly “unlimited” user option. Adding more than 50 users requires an upfront payment for additional licenses, potentially doubling or tripling your phone service costs as your team grows.
  • Limited Texting Functionality: Text messaging capabilities are restricted to US customers only. Additionally, Google Voice doesn’t integrate with external tools for automated text communications, and sending a high volume of manual texts could lead to throttling or suspension.
  • Fragmented Communication History: Google Voice separates calls, texts, and voicemails into distinct inboxes. This makes it cumbersome for teams to get a holistic view of a customer’s communication history, potentially hindering efficient customer service.

By carefully considering these pros and cons, you can make an informed decision about whether Google Voice for Business aligns with your specific needs and budget. Remember, alternative virtual phone service providers might offer features and functionalities that better cater to your growing business.

What’s The Best Alternative To Google Voice? LimePhone Is Here

While Google Voice for Business offers a starting point for business communication, its limitations become apparent as your team grows. Here’s a closer look at the roadblocks Google Voice presents and how LimePhone empowers businesses to thrive:

Outgrowing the Nest: Google Voice Limitations

  • Limited Scalability: Google Voice for Business restricts you to a single phone number per user and imposes user caps on plans. This makes it unsuitable for expanding teams that require additional numbers or accommodate growth beyond a certain point.
  • Hurdles to Team Collaboration: Internal communication within Google Voice is cumbersome. Tagging teammates and maintaining conversation threads isn’t readily available, hindering seamless collaboration on customer inquiries and responses.
  • Restricted Integrations: Google Voice primarily integrates with Google Workspace apps, limiting your ability to leverage popular tools outside that ecosystem. LimePhone bridges the gap by fostering connections with CRM systems like HubSpot and Salesforce, productivity platforms like Slack, and communication tools like Zapier.

LimePhone: Built for Growth and Collaboration

LimePhone addresses these limitations and provides the features businesses crave to build stronger customer relationships and foster efficient teamwork:

  • Multiple Phone Numbers for Every Team Member: Unlike Google Voice, LimePhone grants you a free local, Canadian, or toll-free number for each new user. You can even port existing toll-free numbers and local numbers to maintain brand continuity. As your business expands, LimePhone allows you to acquire additional numbers across various area codes to cater to a wider audience.
  • Effortless Team Collaboration: LimePhone prioritizes teamwork. Utilize internal conversation threads to tag team members, collaborate on responses, and maintain a clear communication history within your customer interactions. This ensures all team members are informed and can contribute efficiently, keeping customers satisfied.
  • Streamlined Workflows with Third-Party Integrations: LimePhone integrates seamlessly with a vast array of third-party apps beyond Google Workspace. Leverage the power of Zapier’s 5,000+ integrations or connect directly with popular platforms like HubSpot, Salesforce, Slack, and Gong. This empowers your team to access crucial customer data and automate repetitive tasks, saving valuable time and effort.
  • Enhanced Call Management with Features Like IVR and Call Recording: LimePhone’s Interactive Voice Response (IVR) empowers you to direct callers to specific departments or team members based on their needs, ensuring a smooth and efficient customer experience. Additionally, LimePhone offers one-click call recording on all plans, or automatic call recording on the Premium plan, providing valuable insights for training purposes and quality assurance.

More with LimePhone

  • Boost Customer Interaction with Text Automations: LimePhone streamlines customer communication with features like automated text responses. Respond to common questions with pre-saved snippets or set up auto-replies to inform customers about your availability. Additionally, schedule text messages in advance to reach customers in different time zones, fostering a more personalized touch.
  • Shared Phone Numbers and Unified Inboxes: LimePhone facilitates true team collaboration by allowing you to assign multiple team members to a single business phone number. This creates a shared inbox where all calls, texts, and messages reside, making it easy for anyone on your team to pick up the conversation and ensure prompt customer service.
  • Unwavering Reliability and Exceptional Support: LimePhone prioritizes reliability, offering crystal-clear sound quality for calls and texts, both incoming and outgoing. Additionally, you’ll have access to a dedicated customer support team from the get-go, ensuring your questions and concerns are addressed promptly.

These are just some of the reasons why hundreds of businesses have chosen to migrate from Google Voice to LimePhone.

LimePhone Vs Google Voice: A Side-by-Side Comparison

Later in this blog, we’ll provide a comprehensive side-by-side comparison of LimePhone and Google Voice for Business, highlighting the key differences in features, pricing, and overall value proposition.

Ready to Make the Switch?

LimePhone offers plans starting at just $14.99 per month (Includes 10 users), making it an attractive option for businesses of all sizes. If you’re ready to move beyond the limitations of Google Voice and embrace a communication solution built for growth and collaboration, consider making the switch to LimePhone.

FeatureLimePhone Google Voice
PricingStarts at $14.99 per month (Includes 10 users)$16 per user per month (including Workspace subscription)
Unlimited calling to US & Canada✓ (+ 36 additional countries)
SMS messagingUS customers only
Voicemail to text
Set business hours
Additional phone numbersFrom $2 per numberVaries
Number porting
Call recording Requires upgrade
Shared phone numbersRing groups only; requires upgrade
Dedicated business address bookX
IVR (phone menu) with extensionsRequires upgrade
Team MessagingX
Group text messagingUp to 7 contacts
Slack integration X
Zapier integrationX
CRM integrationX
Android App
Web-based App

​Switch from Google Voice to LimePhone

Have Google Voice limitations left you yearning for a more robust communication solution for your business? While Google Voice offers a cost-effective entry point for VoIP services, its setup complexities, limitations on team collaboration, and lack of external integrations can hinder your growth.

LimePhone emerges as the ideal alternative, streamlining the transition and empowering your business with a feature-rich communication hub. Here’s why making the switch from Google Voice to LimePhone is a smart move:

Effortless Setup: Ditch the time-consuming configuration struggles associated with Google Voice. LimePhone boasts a user-friendly setup process, allowing you to be up and running in no time. This translates into immediate benefits for your team, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.

Strengthened Team Collaboration: Unleash the power of teamwork with LimePhone’s collaborative features. Gone are the days of clunky communication within Google Voice. LimePhone facilitates seamless internal discussions through features like shared phone numbers and dedicated conversation threads. This fosters a more informed and efficient team environment, ensuring all members are on the same page and equipped to deliver exceptional customer service.

A World of Integrations at Your Fingertips 

Break free from the walled garden of Google Workspace integrations offered by Google Voice. Leverage the power of integrations or connect directly with popular platforms like HubSpot, Salesforce, and Slack. This empowers your team to streamline workflows, automate repetitive tasks, and access valuable customer data—all within a unified communication platform.

Advanced Features Fueling Customer Interactions

LimePhone goes beyond the basic functionalities of Google Voice. Enhance customer interactions with features like auto-replies, allowing you to set expectations regarding availability. Additionally, pre-saved text snippets offer faster response times for common inquiries, saving you valuable time.

Shared Phone Numbers for a Unified Experience: Foster a truly collaborative customer service environment with LimePhone’s shared phone numbers. Assign multiple team members to a single business number, creating a unified inbox for all calls, texts, and messages. This ensures a seamless customer experience as any team member can readily pick up the conversation, maintaining consistency and efficiency.

Ready to Experience the LimePhone Difference?

Sign up for a free seven-day trial of LimePhone today and discover a world of possibilities beyond Google Voice. Experience the ease of setup, the power of collaboration, and the vast array of integrations that empower your business to thrive. LimePhone is your gateway to a more streamlined, efficient, and customer-centric communication experience.


1. What are the core functionalities of Google Voice for Business?

Google Voice for Business equips your team with a suite of communication tools to streamline operations. Here are some highlights:

  • Unlimited Calls to US and Canada: Foster seamless communication with clients across the US and Canada without worrying about call duration.
  • SMS and MMS Messaging (US Only): Engage with customers through text messages and multimedia messages (MMS), but keep in mind this functionality is currently limited to US customers.
  • Voicemail Transcription: Effortlessly convert voicemails to text for easy review and response.
  • Business Hour Customization: Set specific business hours to manage call routing and ensure a professional experience for your clients.
  • Multiple Phone Number Options: While basic plans offer one number per user, upgrading unlocks the ability to acquire additional phone numbers for specific departments or locations.

Advanced features like call recording and ring groups require a higher subscription tier.

2. What’s the Pricing Structure for Google Voice for Business?

Google Voice for Business offers tiered subscription plans catering to different team sizes and feature needs. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Starter Plan ($10 per user per month): This entry-level plan provides basic VoIP features like unlimited calls within the US and Canada, voicemail transcription, and the ability to set business hours. It’s ideal for small teams or those just starting with Google Voice for Business.
  • Standard Plan ($20 per user per month): Upgrade to the Standard plan to unlock advanced features like ring groups for efficient call distribution, desk phone support for larger teams, and all the functionalities included in the Starter plan.
  • Premier Plan ($30 per user per month): The Premier plan caters to businesses requiring advanced data management and in-depth reporting. It offers access to advanced data regions and comprehensive reporting features alongside all the benefits of the Standard plan.

Important Note: It’s crucial to remember that Google Voice for Business requires an active Google Workspace subscription, which starts at $6 per user per month.

3. What advantages do I gain by upgrading to a paid Google Voice version?

The free consumer version of Google Voice offers limited functionalities. Upgrading to a paid Google Voice for Business plan, in conjunction with Google Workspace, unlocks a range of features specifically designed to enhance business communication. These include:

  • Call Transferring: Seamlessly transfer calls to other team members or external phone numbers to ensure calls reach the right person.
  • Automated Attendants: Utilize automated attendants to greet callers, route them to the appropriate department, or provide information during off-hours.
  • Integration with Google Calendar and Meet: Schedule calls, manage appointments, and conduct video meetings directly within your Google Workspace environment.

By upgrading, you gain access to a comprehensive business communication suite that fosters efficiency, professionalism, and a more streamlined customer experience.

Sign up today and discover how LimePhone can revolutionize the way you manage customer interactions, boost productivity, and elevate your business to new heights.

Check out another great read: Best Small Business Phone Systems for 2024

20, June 13, 2024, Vincent Hawley

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