How To Use LimeCall As A Click-to-Call Solution For Best Business Practices

Team LimeCall

April 5, 2021
minutes to read

Calls are essential in every business. It can help with rapid business growth as they make it easy for clients to reach out. The easier it is for customers to reach out, the better their experience and the more likely they are to convert. LimeCall brings you click-to-call, which allows your website visitor to connect to a customer service agent in real-time. Click-to-call links in the form of buttons are quite common on websites and it has shown to increase conversion rate.

Click-to-call is efficient to ease connecting with your customers. They don’t require additional downloads and installation of software, just the required plugins.

According to a study by Forrester Research, it seems like the businesses incorporated with click-to-call, have an increase in their sales by as much as 143%. Other data from expert sources also showed that compared with other means of conversion online, click-to-call performed four times better. 5 to 25% of every click-driven call always ends in conversion and this is valid for every industry.

Click-to-call has generated a tremendous amount of sales. In 2015 alone, click-to-call sales were as high as $1 trillion. According to experts, the number seems to double up as of 2019, and the click-driven calls are 162 billion in number.

How Click-To-Call Works

Mobile phone users form the bulk of internet users as it’s more convenient in comparison to desktops when connecting to the internet. Since they are the top choice, it is important to consider a lot when building websites. Web interaction is also easier with the use of mobile phones. The click-to-call button can allow the user to reach out to a customer service agent directly.

The ease at which this takes place and the benefit it brings makes the click-to-call feature a must-have for businesses.

Why Use Click-To-Call

Your website may have all the information you need. But some visitors just want to talk to a real person and have their queries resolved that way. They may have confusion or need clarity about your product before they proceed with their purchase. If you make it easy for them to reach you, they will be ready to convert. It is where click-to-call comes in.

Based on statistics, 88% of visitors are more inclined to contact your company. However, only if you make it easy for them to do so with a click-to-call button. From here it’s a no-brainer that they would most likely convert as long as they have made the call.

LimeCall As A Click-To-Call Solution 

Using LimeCall’s click-to-call service comes with numerous benefits to help you make more sales and convert more leads. By allowing your customer service agents to reach out to your potential customers easily and promptly, you save time. By integrating LimeCall’s click-to-call with your CRM, your agents can categorize your customers according to their queries. It will ensure that they can receive prompt and optimum support. In all, LimeCall helps you make more sales, but how?

Your customers can enjoy the convenience of reaching out to you from any device and platform. It’s easy and error-proof as the chances of dialing the wrong number is completely taken care of. So for every time you click on the button, you will be connected to the right person. 

Apart from the convenience and ease of call, you can easily follow up with your leads, this contributes to the automated workflow feature that allows you follow up based on your customers’ free time. For quality assurance and to have a record of every conversation, there is a backup as well for every call that’s placed. So with LimeCall you can say you have it all. 

Click-To-Call Solutions

Increased Customer Satisfaction

Almost every internet user prefers to get answers to questions and solutions to queries from a real person rather than a bot. Many customers prefer to reach out to a company via phone, and they find it more satisfying when they get clarity by speaking with an actual person. So it’s a wise decision to include click-to-call buttons so that your potential customers can reach out to you directly. On their own, click-to-call buttons aren’t enough. You should also include hours of operation, brick and mortar store location, and other information your customers would find useful.

Improves Marketing Effectiveness

Marketing effectiveness can be sharpened with click-to-call as it helps you get the customer intelligence with the already designed response forms you have. It also shows you the web pages where you are getting most calls and sales from so you can further improve on it and others. Click-to-call allows you to get customer data for analysis to the benefit of your business, and lets you discover the best approaches that never fail to give you high conversions.

As you have a conversation with your clients, you will learn better about their interests and what prompts them to make purchases. Such information will go a long way to help you design strategies that would help you make more sales in the future.

Maximizes Effectiveness and Efficiency

Those who tap on the click-to-call button are those who are genuinely interested in making a purchase, and so you are presented with a real opportunity to make a sale. It also provides a seamless and efficient transfer of customers from the web to your office via phone calls. Its low cost, easy to use hence its effectiveness.

Even after working hours, you can route your calls to your home phone so you can provide customers with the solutions and answers they need. Unlike most technologies, click-to-call is affordable and easy to incorporate. Getting the most out of yours, however, depends on the service provider. You can’t go wrong with LimeCall.

Maximize Opportunities to Make Sales

When you establish a business, you aim to drive sales and maximize your profit. One of the tools and features that can help make this a reality is click-to-call. By incorporating it into your website, your website visitors can contact you faster and easier thereby increasing your sales. It also reduces the chances of customer reluctance to make a purchase online or close a deal as they can reach you for clarity easily when they need it.

Apart from the ease it brings to your customers, it helps you ensure that the number of missed out opportunities to make sales are reduced. 

Improve Brand Loyalty

Keeping your customers satisfied would make them loyal to your brand as they now have a good sense of trust in you. they will constantly seek help from you, and you should make it easy for them to reach you. your competitors are already doing it, so you might as well join.

Adding the click-to-call feature on your website is necessary if you must improve your sales. About 40% of potential customers prefer to make purchases over the phone. 35% of potential customers also prefer to call and make product reservations for purchase on a later date. Seeing how phone calls are important, the absence of a click-to-call button will drastically slow down your business growth, and cause you to lose potential customers.

Easily Identify Leads

Sometimes, people call your company intending to make inquiries, not to make a purchase. With a click-to-call button, you can identify them and convert them into your valuable customer. By calling your company for information, they have already shown that they are interested and may only require a little push to get in. This push is what your sales team would give after getting in touch with the caller, thereby increasing your chances of conversion.

Boost Customer Retention

As much as it’s important to get new customers, retaining them is also a key aspect of business growth. And so with click-to-call, you can improve your customer retention. By providing your customer with somewhat physical contact, they know that they are dealing with real people who are accessible. It also allows your customers to reach out to you at their convenience and without long delays. All their queries get answered by real humans and not robots, and it brings a sense of satisfaction to the customer.

For even better customer satisfaction, ensure that they get the best response each time they call. This can be done by routing their calls to the right agent for their query who can provide them with all the information they would need.

Tips to Using Click-To-Call

1. Choose The Best Positions to Place Your Buttons

The position of your click-to-call button would greatly affect the number of clicks it gets, and the number of calls that visitors put through. In understanding the best position for the button, you need to understand how web visitors read. A study conducted by Nielson Norman revealed that people read web pages in an F shape pattern. The font color used also helps to focus their attention.

Unlike reading in school, people read incredibly fast online especially when they are looking for the solution to a problem. People first read horizontally above the fold when they enter a site. So if you place your click-to-call button there, you can be sure of increased clicks. Note that this isn’t always the case as sometimes placing the button above the fold may not yield great results.

What you have to understand before placing your click-to-call button are:

  • Know your audience. If you know those who would be visiting your website, and what they are most likely looking for, it’ll help you with the correct positioning. Always place it where they will find it easily.
  • Use the right words on your button to gain attention and instill the need for urgency in the minds of your potential customers. 
  • Have an open mind and be ready to try out new things. Note that there’s always room for improvement, so if your current button placement is yielding good results it doesn’t mean that you can’t do better. Try different things and only stop at the best.

2. Make It Click-worthy

It is important to make your click-to-call button stand out and not hidden by other web page elements. Make it look clickable and always include an air of urgency so that more people will click on it. Some of the following are the constituents of a click-to-call button on a webpage:

  • Rectangular or round shape
  • A distinct text on the button
  • Complementary border
  • A clean and contrasting color for the background to text
  • Surrounded by white space

After keeping your web visitors on your page for a while, thanks to your content, the next big thing is to close the deal. Many visitors would want to leave even if they are interested in what you have to offer and it’s the inclusion of the click-to-call button that would keep them once they speak to an agent who makes the sale.

3. Use A Compelling Button Copy

Even though different words are synonymous, the effect they create isn’t always the same. Using power words on your button would increase the likelihood of having your button clicked and the call put forward. Using the right power words such as instant, dominate, get, access, and increase in the right way will bring forth a different reaction from your visitors as most of them would click.

When using power words, there isn’t any rule, just don’t overdo it.

4. Create Urgency

Even with the right power words and position for your button, you can still do more to get even more clicks and calls. Make your visitor wonder what would happen when they place the call by creating a feeling of anticipation in your button copy. Make them look forward to a reality that you would create in their mind so that they can take the action you want them to.

5. Use The Right Font Color

With the right color combination, you can outdo your competitors by having more clicks. The psychology of colors is a real thing and also applies when launching ads campaign. When choosing colors, go for one that stands out. If you would be using a white background, for instance, don’t make our button grey. The combination may be nice to the eyes but it isn’t appealing enough to get you those clicks. Instead, go for a solid color that has a gradient.

Choose colors that wouldn’t clash with the background you are using. also, avoid colors that would be hurtful to the eyes of your visitors. Colors have a way of appealing to human emotions, and so with the right colors, you can make someone take a decision.

If you are confused about the color to choose, you can run a test on the different colors. Get your data on the performance of each one and then make your choice from there.

6. Use Special Effects to Draw Attention

By adding special effects to your button, you are most likely going to get more clicks. This tip is a tricky one though because if you overdo it, you will get terrible results. By adding special effects, users would be more prone to hovering over the button and before you know it, clicks.


It’s not enough to provide all the information about your products and services on your website, as some visitors would still require assurance from a real person. Maybe a web visitor suddenly gets interested in something you have to offer but needs clarity before they proceed to make the purchase. It would cost you a little but give you a whole lot if you make it easy for them to reach you. The click-to-call feature is one of the most efficient and easy ways to do that. For even better efficiency, get this feature from reliable providers such as LimeCall and watch your conversion rate grow.

What Should You Do?

  1. Must understand the importance of click-to-call feature – After reading the article, you need to understand the importance of click-to-call feature in the procedure of lead generation and pushing people down the funnel.
  2. Must be able to recognize the features of Limecall as the best click-to-call solution – Once you have understood the role played by click-to-call, you may take a look at Limecall‘s features for the best service.
  3. We think you have found some the article quite helpful. If, then please do share it with your friends and colleagues!

, April 5, 2021, Team LimeCall

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