
Lead capture

Stop Missing Leads. Supercharge Your Lead Capture

Struggling to capture every valuable lead? You’re not alone. Traditional website forms and contact pages leak leads like a sieve. It’s time to upgrade your lead capture game.

publicly rated as 4.6/5

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Trusted by more than 700 partners

Here's how LimeCall transforms your lead capture:

Know your leads

Understand what your customers are looking for without even asking them. Respond to your customers’ needs faster, provide a better customer experience.

Smart Lead Routing

Capture qualified leads with pre-built questions and conditional routing. Stop wasting time on unqualified inquiries.

Eliminate wait times

Offer instant callback options when agents are unavailable, preventing frustrated drop-offs.

Intelligent routing

Connect leads with the right agent based on skills and availability, ensuring a flawless experience.

Track caller source

Capture the source of each call With LimeCall you can pinpoint the marketing channel or campaign from where the call originated and get insights into your marketing performance.

Customizable appearance

Match your brand with a variety of widget styles and colors

How Call Tracking Works?


Sign up on Limecall

You need to sign up to use call tracking and know your customers.


Buy phone numbers

Through several phone numbers, you will track different sources of calls.


Handle more calls

Handle high volume calls from your ad campaigns


Track the leads from dashboard

Track anonymous visitors and callers on multiple sessions, traffic sources, and keywords.

We integrate with your favourite tools

We pair well with all your platforms.

What our users say

Jeff G

Director of Digital Acceleration and Marketing Operations

I can buy #s, track the volume of calls by the dashboard, record calls. I like the ever-evolving call tracking functionality which has begun to get traction with our business. This product is extremely versatile. The development and management team is very responsive, and this product – in its various iterations is certain to be a winner.

Mahinour S

Senior Product Marketing

Since the implementation, we noted a significant increase in the efficacy of our sales team. No more missed opportunities with clients thanks to the call tracking feature.