Try it out.

Experience how LimeCall manages call volume and transitions customers from web or SMS to voice.

A customer calls your 800-number.

And probably waits on hold. Instead of building up a large queue, allow your customer to opt for a callback when an agent is free or at a later time that is convenient for you both.

The results

  • Improve customer experience.
  • Reduce handle time.
  • Reduce duplicate or repeat calls.
  • Reduce abandonment.

Key capabilities

  • Customer- and agent-first dialing options.
  • Complete callback visibility
  • No phantom calls consuming ports or licenses

Try it out.

Call 330-777-2408 and select one of the following options based on the experience you want to try:

  • Service—Get an ASAP callback experience using customer-first dialing.
  • Sales—Get an ASAP or scheduled callback experience.
  • Billing—Get an ASAP or scheduled callback, then deflect to messaging.

A customer visits your website.

For many of your customers, your website is where they start. Add the ability to request a call from your brand while you get to discover what they need and transfer their journey data to your agents for an informed and productive experience.

The results

  • No voice call needed to set up a callback.
  • Offer self service and get them to the right resource.
  • Improve customer experience and outcomes.
  • Track the experience from digital to voice using Google, Adobe, or other experience ID.

Try it out.

Use the dropdown below to see how a customer would self serve and receive a LimeCall digital experience. Apply this logic on any digital asset (website, apps, chat, bots).

Callback Request

We can call you when you are next in line for a representative, or you can schedule a callback for a later time

A customer texts you.

When a customer texts your main number, what happens? Turn those interactions into a meaningful conversation with LimeCall.

We also use messaging to notify customers about their LimeCall experience. Keep customers connected and offer seamless channel transitions.

The results

  • Increase connectivity to your customers.
  • Send direct and one-way communications.
  • Simplify SMS campaigns and outreach.

Try it out.

  • Text “Hello” to 330-777-2408. You’ll get an automated greeting. If you’d like to experience direct communication, contact us for a demo.
  • Text “@callme” to use SMS for setting up a LimeCall callback experience.