

Turn Inbounds Leads into Bookers

Improve your travel site. LimeCall gives you a callback, appointment scheduling and forms for quick traveler help. Best for travel agents and booking sites to scale your revenue.

publicly rated as 4.6/5

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What is LimeCall?

Instant Connection

Say goodbye to missed opportunities. With text marketing, you can reach your audience instantly, ensuring your message is seen when it matters most.

Personalized Engagement

Tailor your messages for a personalized touch that resonates with each customer. Craft compelling promotions, appointment reminders, and more with ease.

Boost Customer Loyalty

Build lasting relationships by keeping your customers informed and engaged. Provide exceptional service, and watch your loyalty soar.

Measure Results

Our robust analytics give you the insights you need to fine-tune your campaigns. Track open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to optimize your strategy.

Connect leads with sales reps instantly

Customers don’t like to wait.  With Limecall, instantly route the leads to the right rep and skyrocket your conversion rate.

Data-Driven Success

Measure results like a pro. Our analytics provide invaluable insights to optimize your campaigns for maximum impact.


Whether you’re a small business or an enterprise, our intuitive platform empowers you to create and manage campaigns effortlessly.

Compliance & Security

Rest easy knowing your campaigns adhere to industry regulations and the highest security standards.

Install Web to Text on your website in 3 steps

Add a simple code to your website

Add a simple code to your website or for WordPress users, simply integrate your site with LimeCall.

Customize and personalize your button

Customize your button to match the look and feel of your website. Choose to optimize your marketing campaigns to generate more leads.

Ready to go!

You’re good to go! Your leads can now contact you with just one click.

The modern stack to increase conversions


Increase in NPS score

By leveraging the data from LimeCall, you can increase your inbound lead engagement by 2x.


Increase in revenue

By immediately engaging with warm prospects, your sales reps increase conversion rates.


Website engagement

Boost your efficiency by never missing a single lead.

24x7 Customer Support

Real support from real people! We are available via live chat and email throughout the day to help you with anything you need.

Contact Support

30 day money-back guarantee

Limecall is efficient and easy to use. So, if you are not satisfied after the first month, we’ll refund your payment.

Get Refund

Don’t just take our word for it

Frequent Asked Questions

What is Click to Call and what is LimeCall?

Click to Call is a feature on LimeCall, a marketing platform for businesses that rely on quality phone calls, leads and new customers to grow and succeed. Click to Call allows you to easily place calls to your website visitors through the LimeCall dashboard, which is designed to give you insights about your marketing efforts.

Can I increase sales with LimeCall & Click to Call?

Yes! Decrease the time it takes to reach out to your potential customers by connecting with them while they are still on your website. This allows you to contact them while they are still interested in your product and increases your conversion rates.

Is Click to Call free?

LimeCall offers you a free 14 day trial period, after which you can choose any one of the paid plans we have.

Can customer use Click to Call via phone?

The Click to Call button is compatible with all devices. Be it a computer, tablet, laptop, or mobile, your customers can instantly launch calls from any device.

Will I be able to access calls later?

All calls are recorded and can be easily accessed. This not only helps you monitor the quality of your conversation but also protects you against fraudulent claims.

How do I install Limecall on my website?

You can use a simple code on your website or directly integrate with LimeCall. Reach out to our Support team for more information.